HIST 337A Historical Development of Money and Banking

This course provides the historical evolution of the money and banking system dating back to 2000 BC in Assyria, India, Sumeria and later in ancient Greece and Roman Empire. The crucial historical development of the banking system started during the medieval and Renaissance in Italy and in particular the affluent city of Florence and Genoa by the Bardi and Peruzzi families in 14th century with the Medici Bank. This development spread from northern Italy throughout the Holy Roman Empire during 15th and 16th century followed by other developments in Amsterdam in the 17th century and in London since the 18th century. We will follow other developments in Europe and America to the present time including the financial crisis of 2007-2008 and the rise of the Europe Union. We attempt to show the historical, political and economic reasons for these developments during each period and their impacts. This course is based on class lecture, seminars and visiting significant historical sites in Italy. For only Rome Study Abroad.



Cross Listed Courses

FIN 391, FIN 391R, HIST 391R