HIST 303 African-American Race Relations in the U.S.: Reconstruction to Civil Rights Era

This course will survey race-relations between African-Americans, newly declared freed during the Reconstruction period and subsequently subjected to segregation, and the white majority in the United States. Although the end of the Civil War brought upon victory in abolishing the legal practice of slavery in the country and asserting the indivisibility of the United States as one nation, it also left behind centuries of wounds that needed fixing, disarrays that desperately needed restructuring. How successful was the transition process? What was the experience of African Americans through this period? How can we apply these lessons to the present day? Assignments will be based on reading excerpts and films that will be given weekly and will explore expectations - as opposed to realities - largely from the viewpoint of the oppressed. There will be a final reflection assigned that will incorporate all materials presented throughout the course. A course syllabus will be available in the week preceding the start date of class.
