POL 315 How To Think in an Age of Political Polarization

How can we cooperate in an age of polarization? In the U.S. and around the world, we live in a time of deep political polarization, intellectual isolation, and intense partisanship. We too rarely have genuine and open interactions with those with whom we disagree; when we do, we often do so on the assumption that the "others" are not just wrong but are irrational and immoral. This class aims to explore the psychological, technological, political, ethical and social dimensions and roots of this phenomenon, the costs of these divisions, as well as positive responses beyond the cultural divides. Can friendships exist across ideological divides? Pope Francis calls for deeper dialogue and engagement outside our cultures and comfort zones. This class will examine practical mediation techniques for repairing social cohesion and having crucial conversations. Students are invited to have open and civil discussions, while attempting to cultivate intellectual virtues and build a community of trust amid disagreement. World Politics. U.S. Politics.
