Transfer Credit Rules

(See University policy here:

  • At least half the courses in a degree program must be taken at The Catholic University of America.
    • Half of major courses must be taken within residency.
  • Transfer courses must be approved by the transfer credit evaluation process (view rules in the Transfer Process website).
  • The number of transfer courses after matriculation at Catholic University is limited to two times the number of years in residence; this limit does not apply to courses brought in at the time of matriculation or to courses taken during Catholic University Education Abroad programs.
  • In addition, no more than two courses per year may be transferred from summer terms at other institutions.
  • Prior to matriculation, business or economics in-person courses taken at other institutions are transferable subject to the approval of the appropriate area or program director.
  • Prior to matriculation, business or economics online courses taken at other institutions are not transferable unless they are from an AACSB-accredited institution which also accepts those courses toward their own degrees.
  • After matriculation, students may only take business or economics courses (i.e., ACCT, ECON, ENT, FIN, MGT, MKT, and SRES prefixes) at Catholic University or approved abroad programs