Summer Courses

Summer Sessions

Catholic University offers a range of courses in two 5, 6, or 7-week periods (in person or online), plus other courses of varying length scheduled with dynamic dating. There are limits on the number of courses that can be taken during Catholic University summer sessions. In general, a student may take no more than two (2) courses total within each summer session, and no more than four (4) courses for all summer sessions combined. Students taking two 3-credit accelerated foreign language courses may not take any additional courses during that 6-week period.

Summer courses at other institutions

Students wishing to transfer summer courses are responsible for knowing and observing academic procedures and regulations. These include:

  • No course will be transferred without being appropriately evaluated. Students are strongly advised to obtain evaluations prior to leaving campus and are cautioned that courses taken without having been evaluated may not be accepted for transfer.
  • A student is limited to two (2) off-campus transfer courses each summer.
  • Other limits on transfer credits also apply.
  • In addition, limits on enrollment in a summer session (see above) also apply to courses taken elsewhere.
  • Courses taken at other institutions do not affect Catholic University GPA.

Under special circumstances, students may register for more than four (4) courses during the summer. Approval from the Associate Dean for Academic Programs is required. Visit the Off-Campus Transfer Process for more information