
University Dismissals

An undergraduate student is no longer in good academic standing, and therefore subject to dismissal by the dean of a school, who

  1. Receives a failing grade (F, F*) in three or more credit-bearing courses undertaken in a semester. (Reversion of an incomplete grade (I) to an F shall be included in the total number of failures for the semester in which the I was given, with possible dismissal effective at the close of the current semester) or
  2. At the end of any academic year has a cumulative GPA of less than 1.5; or
  3. Fails to satisfy any additional requirements that may be imposed by individual schools (see below: “Busch School Dismissals”); or
  4. Fails to gain acceptance into a program of concentration or specialized studies following a fourth semester of full-time college work; special exceptions may be made for students who change concentrations in their sophomore year.

The University reserves the right to review the record of a student at any time to determine whether a student meets the standards necessary for graduation. If, in the opinion of the University, this review reveals serious shortcomings, the student may be dismissed. The dean of a school makes the academic dismissal.

Busch School Dismissals

  1. Failure to achieve a 2.0 cumulative grade-point average for three consecutive semesters will result in dismissal.
  2. For example,
    Fall 2024, student achieves less than 2.0 Freshman warning Spring 2025
    Spring 2025, student achieves less than 2.0 Probation Fall 2025
    Fall 2025, student achieves less than 2.0 Dismissed Dec 2025