MEDU 204 Infant/Toddler Learning/Care Environments

This course examines design principles that begin with an exploration of the teacher's role in planning infant and toddler environments that promote development, learning, and motivation. Students will examine the teacher's role, and become familiar with some of the key elements of planning environments for this age group including principles of Universal Design for Learning. Moreover, students will explore features of a group care environment that protect health and safety, and provide for comfort for infants, toddlers, family members, and teachers. This course also focuses on exploring play spaces to support large motor development, and offers ideas for providing a safe, yet challenging environments for children to work on their developing motor and cognitive skills. Thus, students will investigate designing play spaces and selecting learning materials that support the development of social explorations and symbolic play, and provide infants and toddlers safe and engaging ways to explore the natural world.




Open to Metropolitan School of Professional Studies undergraduates only