NURS 910 Advanced Quantitative Methods for Health Care Providers

This doctoral course builds upon the work in N923D Clinical Problems: Theoretical Considerations in which students were guided in their exploration of the identification and defense of a clinically relevant problem, and the theory-practice-research linkage as it relates to the problem and N924D Clinical Problems II: Design Considerations in which students learned how to develop a comprehensive literature review demonstrating the current state of the science, critical evaluation of the literature, and syntheses of the literature to identify gaps and how the proposed research would contribute to overcoming the gaps and develop new knowledge. In this course, the content focuses on chapter 3 in which students will learn how to develop a rigorous methodology. Students will 1) identify a research design that demonstrates a fit for the procedures and analyses of the research questions/hypotheses and maximizes control over factors that could threaten the validity of the findings, 2) select and describe a setting with substantiation of access to target population, adequate sample size, and resources for the conduct of research, 3) identify a sample representative of the target population with identification of eligibility criteria which minimizes the influence of confounding factors on the validity of the findings, 4) select a sampling plan to promote representativeness, reduce systematic bias, decrease sampling error, and be congruent with the research design, 5) calculate a sample size adequate for detection of differences, relationships, or effects that actually exist in the population, 6) develop a recruitment plan that facilitates effective and efficient recruitment of participants, 7) develop a protection of human rights plan that protects the participants' rights to self-determination, privacy, anonymity and confidentiality, fair treatment or justice, and from discomfort and harm, 8) develop a data handling plan that maximizes security of research documentation, 9) describe instruments supported by reliability and validity and/or equipment supported by accuracy and precision, 10) develop a procedural/data collection plan that maximizes implementation fidelity and control of bias or threats to validity, and 11) develop a rigorous data analyses plan responsive to the research questions/hypotheses.



Cross Listed Courses

NURS 910 & NURS 910D