MUS 501A Concert Creativity: developing conceptions, presentations, funding, marketing

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to many forms of non-traditional concert presentations and to assist students in conceptualizing new concert formats, to offer in-class experience in experimenting with these formats under supervision, learning how to make the case for funding experimental concerts, where to find grants, how to apply for grants and other forms of financial assistance, and learning how to market these concerts. Some of the specific topics that will be explored: illuminations in the concert hall: from Leonard Bernstein to Jeffrey Siegel's Keyboard Conversations, The Kronos Quartet, the Emerson Quartet, and other experiments at audience engagement; conceptualizing the event(s); scripting; speaking to audiences; collaborations with actors, dancers, musicologists, visual artists; fund raising; grant writing; board-room presentations; marketing the event(s); public relations: presenting oneself and developing a website. Final exam will be a public concert presentation for the class, open to the public.
