Grading and Progression Policies

  1. A student in the School of Architecture and Planning must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in order to be in good academic standing.
  2. A minimum grade of C- is required in all architecture courses (ARPL). Students will need to repeat any courses in which they receive a grade of D or F, and will not be allowed to continue to any course for which the D or F course serves as a prerequisite.  The minimum passing grade for core (non-Architecture courses) is as follows:

    Course Minimum Passing Grade
    ENG 101 C- 
    MATH 108 D
    MATH 111 D
    PHIL 201/HSPH 101 D
    PHIL 202/HSPH 102 D
    PHYS 101
    TRS 201/HSTR 101 D

    3. Progression: The following sequences of courses must be taken in the order listed for the B.S.Arch program:
    • Fundamentals: ARPL 101, then ARPL 102
    • Undergraduate Studio: ARPL 201, then ARPL 202. Both prior to either ARPL 301 or ARPL 302. Both prior to either ARPL 401 or ARPL 402.
    • Architectural History: ARPL 211, then ARPL 212, then ARPL 311.
    • Structures: ARPL 441, then ARPL 442.
    • Environmental Systems: ARPL 383, then ARPL 232, then ARPL 331 (both of the latter courses have options for undergraduates in the University Honors Program).