Policies Concerning Probation and Dismissal

  1. Students whose semester GPA or whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.00 will be placed on academic probation.
  2. Students on academic probation cannot enroll in any studio course (ARPL 201, 202, 301, 302, 401, 402).
  3. Students who remain on academic probation for two consecutive semesters or have been on academic probation for any three semesters will be dismissed from the university.
  4. Students who have stopped following the architecture curriculum must transfer to another school within the university within two semesters or be subject to dismissal from the university.
  5. Students who fail three courses in a single semester or whose cumulative GPA falls below 1.50 will be dismissed from the university.
  6. Other conditions for dismissal are described in the front section of these Announcements.