ARPL 301 Architectural Design II

Architectural Design I studio explores the relationship between buildings and the city via the design of a civic or cultural institution of a moderate scale. The studio focuses on the development of the tectonic expression between the building envelope, the interior spaces, and the exterior spaces of the city. In an urban context, buildings have the potential to define the public realm. In the exploration of the public/private spectrum throughout a variety of scales, from city to room to the elements of architecture and furniture, students are introduced to the ability of architecture to provide opportunities for social interaction and individual behavior. Attention should be paid to the site context as a great influence on design solutions. The resolution of site as a particular condition and building types as ideal organizations will be central to the design exploration, while structure and tectonics, basic sustainable environmental control, and some basic zoning and building code issues will also be of concern.




C- or better in ARPL 202