POL 459A Israel and International Human Rights

This course will focus on a comprehensive overview of the principal challenges that the protection of human rights poses to the international community today and will examine Israel as a case study. We will discuss the evolution of the idea of human rights from its inception, its religious sources (with a focus on Judaism), and its secular sources. The salient milestones in the development of the international regime of human rights will be analyzed, including the establishment of a special tribunals for war crimes and the International Criminal Court, the spread of universal jurisdiction, and the beginning of international humanitarian intervention. The course will address the rights of special groups, the problem of cultural relativism, and the activities and effectiveness of human rights organizations. Special emphasis will be given to the protection of human rights in Israel and the West Bank, including the dilemma of protecting human rights while fighting terrorism, the lack of a constitution, and the role of Israel's supreme court in the protection of human rights. We will examine the role of human rights in the foreign policies of Israel, the United States, and the European Union. The instructor will also share his experiences in the field as an Israeli diplomat for over 43 years.



Cross Listed Courses

POL 459A & POL 559A