HIST 231A Soccer: A World History

Soccer today is a global multi-billion dollar business. The sport has become part of a gigantic entertainment and betting industry stretching across the planet. The international soccer association FIFA has more members than the United Nations (208). However, for hundreds of millions of fans and players, soccer is mostly what they love as amateurs (from Latin amare). And, (modern) soccer has a history that goes back into 19th century England, from where engineers and businessmen brought the 'English disease' (soccer = 'Association football') to continental Europe, South America, and other places. In America, soccer had it more difficult to become a major national sport. What was the reason for that? This course offers insights into the fascinating social, economic, and cultural history of soccer, how the game spread over the globe, and why the tension between players, fans, and business is part of its success story. This course counts as a foundational course in History or Political Theory within the liberal arts core requirements.
