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Undergraduate Announcements
Graduate Announcements
Undergraduate Announcements
Graduate Announcements
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Campus Overview
School of Architecture and Planning
School of Arts and Sciences
Tim and Steph Busch School of Business
School of Canon Law
School of Engineering
Benjamin T. Rome School of Music, Drama, and Art
National Catholic School of Social Service
School of Nursing
School of Philosophy
School of Theology and Religious Studies
Metropolitan School of Professional Studies
ANTH - Anthropology
ARPL - Architecture and Planning
ART - Art
ASWR - Applied Space Weather Research
BE - Biomedical Engineering
BIOL - Biology
BUS - Business
CHEM - Chemistry
CLAS - Classics
CL - Canon Law
CMGT - Engineering Management: O/C
CSC - Computer Science
DA - Data Analytics
DR - Drama
EAM - Ecclesial Admin and Management
ECON - Economics
ECST - Early Christian Studies
EDUC - Education
EE - Electrical Engineering
ENG - English
ENT - Entrepreneurship
FREN - French
GER - German
GL - Greek and Latin
GR - Greek
HIST - History
HUMR - Human Rights
ITAL - Italian
LAT - Latin
LAW - Law
MATH - Math
MDST - Medieval and Byzantine Studies
ME - Mechanical Engineering
ML - Modern Languages
MSM - Metro: Management (Graduate)
MUPI - Music Private Instruction
MUS - Music
NURS - Nursing
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PLCY - Public Policy
POL - Politics
PORT - Portuguese
PSY - Psychology
SEM - Semitics
SOC - Sociology
SPAN - Spanish
SRES - Social Research
SSS - Social Service
TRS - Theology and Religious Studies
TRS 800
TRS 801
TRS 801A
TRS 801B
TRS 801C
TRS 801D
TRS 802A
TRS 802B
TRS 802D
TRS 802E
TRS 802F
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TRS 870
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TRS 880
TRS 880A
TRS 881
TRS 881A
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TRS 892
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Graduate Announcements
TRS - Theology and Religious Studies
> 800
TRS 800
Old Testament Law and Proverbs
TRS 801
Genesis I - XI
TRS 801A
The Book of Exodus
TRS 801B
The Book of Judges
TRS 801C
Abraham and His Ancient Interpreters
TRS 801D
Pentateuchal Sagas
TRS 802A
Deuteronomistic History
TRS 802B
The Chronistic History
TRS 802D
Israel & Judah in Iron Age
TRS 802E
Exodus Traditions in the Hebrew Bible
TRS 802F
1 and 2 Samuel
TRS 803
Book of Tobit
TRS 804A
The Book of Wisdom
TRS 804B
Wisdom of Ben Sira
TRS 804C
The Psalms
TRS 804D
Prophets of the Late Pre-Exilic Period
TRS 804E
The Book of Amos
TRS 804F
The Book of Jeremiah
TRS 804G
The Book of Ezekiel
TRS 805A
Theology and Exegesis I Isaiah
TRS 805C
The Book of Isaiah
TRS 806
Book of Daniel
TRS 806A
The Megilloth
TRS 806B
The Book of Job
TRS 807
The Book of Kings
TRS 807A
Textual Criticism of the Bible
TRS 808A
Textual Criticism of the Old Testament
TRS 808B
Old Testament Theology
TRS 809A
Textual Criticism of the New Testament
TRS 809B
New Testament Theology
TRS 810B
The Parables of Jesus
TRS 810C
Source and Redaction Criticism in the Synoptic Gospels
TRS 810D
Passion Narratives
TRS 811A
The Gospel According to Matthew
TRS 811B
The Gospel According to Mark
TRS 811C
The Gospel According to Luke
TRS 812A
The Gospel According to John
TRS 812E
The Joannine Epistles
TRS 813
Acts of the Apostles
TRS 814A
Pauline Theology
TRS 814B
The Thessalonian Correspondence
TRS 814C
First Corinthians
TRS 814D
The Corinthian Correspondence
TRS 814E
Second Corinthians
TRS 814F
Epistle to the Romans
TRS 814G
Galatians and Philipppians
TRS 814H
Colossians and Ephesians
TRS 814J
The Catholic Epistles
TRS 814K
Pastoral Epistles
TRS 814L
The Letter to the Ephesians
TRS 814M
Epistle to the Hebrews
TRS 814N
Philemon, Colossians and Philippians
TRS 816A
The Book of Revelation
TRS 819
Theological Interpretation of Scripture
TRS 820
Augustine in the Middle Ages: Augustine and 12th Cent. Spirituality
TRS 821
Augustine's De trinitate
TRS 821D
Latin Patristic Commentaries on Creed(s)
TRS 821E
Latin Patristic Commentaries on Paul
TRS 822D
Irenaeus and the Gnostics
TRS 822E
Maximus the Confessor and His World
TRS 822F
Cappadocian Theologians
TRS 823E
Medieval Christology
TRS 823F
Topics in Medieval Church History
TRS 823G
12th Centruy Evangelical Awakening
TRS 824
Glossa ordinaria
TRS 825B
The Catholic Reformation
TRS 825G
Power in the Church, Gallican Model
TRS 825H
Aspects of Jansenism
TRS 825L
Americanism and Modernism
TRS 825O
Selected Topics in Bonaventure
TRS 826
Sources of American Spirituality
TRS 826A
Patristic Seminar: Hilary of Poitiers De Trinitate
TRS 827C
Bonaventure, Parisian Master: Context, Texts, Interpretation
TRS 828C
Seminar: Council of Trent
TRS 830D
An Abridged History of Christian Political Thought
TRS 830E
Ethics and Politics in St. Augustine (MT/E Core #1)
TRS 831
Ethics and Social Theory
TRS 831A
The Anthropology of Morals: The Cultural Turn in Ethics
TRS 832
Thomistic Moral Theologies
TRS 833A
Advanced Topics in: Sexual and Familial Ethics
TRS 833B
Advanced Topics in Biomedical Ethics
TRS 833C
Advanced Topics in Social Ethics
TRS 834
The Philosophy and Theology of Slavery
TRS 834A
Morality and Emotion
TRS 835B
The Moral Theology of St. Thomas (MT/E Core #2)
TRS 836
Catholicism & The Marketplace
TRS 837
Social & Spiritual Practices in Moral Formation
TRS 840
Liturgical Theology
TRS 841B
Contemporary Sacramental Method
TRS 841C
Sacramental Treatises
TRS 842A
Interpreting the Ritual Event
TRS 842B
The Body in Ritual Studies
TRS 843
Liturgical Life in Jerusalem
TRS 843A
Constantinople: The City and Its Liturgy
TRS 843B
Rome: The City and the Formation of its Liturgy
TRS 844
Penance in the First Millennium
TRS 845
Sources of the Ordo Missae
TRS 846
Liturgies of Death and Dying
TRS 847
Liturgical Celebration of the Word of God
TRS 847A
Spirituality of the Liturgy: Ritual and Theological Perspectives
TRS 848
TRS 849
From Baumstark to Bell: Methods in the Study of Christian Liturgy
TRS 849A
Holy Spirit and the Liturgy: A Seminar
TRS 855
Ministry of Spiritual Direction
TRS 855B
Ministry of Spiritual Direction II
TRS 855C
Principles and Practices of Adult Religious Education
TRS 855D
Pastoral Planning: Spirituality and Praxis
TRS 855E
Doctor of Ministry Seminar
TRS 855F
Ministry:Evangelizing and Catechetical Dimension
TRS 856C
Spiritual Practices
TRS 857
Sources of American Spirituality
TRS 858A
The Self: Theological and Psychological Perspectives
TRS 858B
Religion and Feelings
TRS 858C
Spiritual Practices
TRS 858D
Lectio Divina and Related Spiritual Practices
TRS 859
Method in Christian Spirituality
TRS 859A
The Spirituality of Aquinas and Eckhart
TRS 859B
Origen and Origenism
TRS 859C
Throne and Altar
TRS 860
TRS 861
Augustine's City of God
TRS 862A
Contemporary Problems in Ecclesiology
TRS 862C
Eucharist and Church
TRS 863A
Revelation and Faith: Vatican I to Vatican II
TRS 864C
Muslim God, Christian God
TRS 864D
Theology and Ecology
TRS 864F
Theology of Grace
TRS 864H
Theology of Faith-A Systematic Inquiry
TRS 866C
Catholic - Orthodox Dialogue
TRS 866E
Justification and Grace: Debates and Dialogues
TRS 866F
Eschatology: Historical and Theological Themes
TRS 866G
Theology and Christian Unity
TRS 867A
Chalcedon: Classical Dogma and Contemporary Interpretation
TRS 867C
Anselm and Aquinas on Redemption
TRS 867D
Aquinas on the Incarnation and Passion of Christ
TRS 867E
Aquinas on Doctrine
TRS 868A
Theology of God in Thomas Aquinas
TRS 868B
Theology of St. Bonaventure
TRS 868D
Newman's Theological Writings
TRS 868H
La Nouvelle Theologie
TRS 868J
Faith & Reason in John Henry Newman
TRS 868K
Peter Lombard
TRS 870
Study of Bible in 12th Century
TRS 870A
Development of Doctrine
TRS 880
Catholic Identity
TRS 880A
Advanced Topics in Religious Studies
TRS 881
Religion and Social Change
TRS 881A
Translating God(s): Comparative Theological Seminar
TRS 882
Spiritual Questing in Modern American Society
TRS 882A
Secularity and Its Discontents
TRS 882B
Religion and Globalization
TRS 882C
Ethics and Politics of Dignity
TRS 883
Philosophy of Religion Religious Epistemology
TRS 891A
Seminar in Zen
TRS 891B
Comparative Reading of the Qur'an
TRS 892
Doctoral Directed Readings
TRS 893
Directed Research