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School of Architecture and Planning
School of Arts and Sciences
Tim and Steph Busch School of Business
School of Canon Law
School of Engineering
Benjamin T. Rome School of Music, Drama, and Art
National Catholic School of Social Service
School of Nursing
School of Philosophy
School of Theology and Religious Studies
Metropolitan School of Professional Studies
ANTH - Anthropology
ARPL - Architecture and Planning
ART - Art
ASWR - Applied Space Weather Research
BE - Biomedical Engineering
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CLAS - Classics
CL - Canon Law
CMGT - Engineering Management: O/C
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DR - Drama
EAM - Ecclesial Admin and Management
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ECST - Early Christian Studies
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EE - Electrical Engineering
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ENT - Entrepreneurship
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MATH - Math
MDST - Medieval and Byzantine Studies
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ML - Modern Languages
MSM - Metro: Management (Graduate)
MUPI - Music Private Instruction
MUS - Music
NURS - Nursing
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PLCY - Public Policy
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Graduate Announcements
> PHIL - Philosophy
PHIL - Philosophy
PHIL 505
Moral Issues in Health Care
PHIL 510
Freedom and the Human Person
PHIL 515
Before Printing: The Establishment and Transmission of Ancient and Medieval Philosophical Texts
PHIL 517
Philosophy of Religion
PHIL 551
Intermediate Logic
PHIL 556
Senior Seminar
PHIL 561
Functions of Philosophy in Theology
PHIL 601
Philosophy of Science
PHIL 602
History of Medieval Philosophy
PHIL 603
The Ethics of Belief
PHIL 604
Plato: Statesman
PHIL 605
German Idealism
PHIL 606
The Origins of the Platonic Tradition
PHIL 607
Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit
PHIL 609
Virtue and Human Action
PHIL 610
Substantial Unity
PHIL 613
Contemporary Virtue Ethics
PHIL 616
The Concept of Number
PHIL 623
Moral Issues in Aquinas
PHIL 624
Aquinas on Book of Causes
PHIL 625
Aquinas on the Virtues
PHIL 626
Aquinas's On the Separate Substances
PHIL 627
Aquinas & His Arabic Sources
PHIL 628
Thomistic Principles in Political Philosophy Today
PHIL 633
Philosophy of Natural Right and Natural Law
PHIL 634
Philosophy in the Islamic World
PHIL 635
Islamic Political Philosophy
PHIL 640
Habits and Virtues in Aquinas
PHIL 651
Aquinas on Law & Practical Reason
PHIL 652
Phenomenological Aesthetics
PHIL 655
Substances and Other Beings
PHIL 692
Directed Reading - Masters
PHIL 696
Master's Thesis Research
Master's Comprehensive Examination (w/Classes)
Master's Comprehensive Examination (w/o Classes)
Master's Thesis Credit Conferral
PHIL 702
Descartes's Meditations
PHIL 703
Dante and Philosophy
PHIL 705
Plato's Sophist
PHIL 706
Plato's Republic
PHIL 708
Husserl's Logical Investigations
PHIL 710
Al-Farabi's Ethics
PHIL 711
The Beginning and End of Human Life: Ethical and Metaphysical Controversies
PHIL 712
Aristotle's De Anima
PHIL 715
Descartes Passions of the Soul
PHIL 717
Plato's Timaeus
PHIL 720
Hume's Religion
PHIL 721
Philosophy of Language
PHIL 723
Aristotle's De anima
PHIL 724
Aristotle's Categories and On Interpretation
PHIL 725
Aristotle's Generation of Animals
PHIL 726
Plato's Meno
PHIL 728
Humans, Persons, and Embryos: The Philosophy of the Abortion Debate
PHIL 729
Aristotle's Posterior Analytics
PHIL 730
The Metaphysics of Creation in Aquinas's De Potentia
PHIL 747
PHIL 749
Plato's Theory of Forms
PHIL 750
Kant's Critique of Practical Reason
PHIL 751
Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom
PHIL 752
Modern & Contemporary Teleology
PHIL 753
Aristotle's Physics
PHIL 754
The Problem of Evil in Neoplatonic Philosophy
PHIL 755
Three Ways to Utopia
PHIL 758
Francis Bacon and the Mastery of Nature
PHIL 759
Medieval and Contemporary Theories of Free Will
PHIL 760
Duns Scotus's Ethics
PHIL 763
God, World, & Soul in Classical Islamic Philosophy
PHIL 764
Divine Providence: Book 3 of the Summa contra Gentiles
PHIL 765
Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas I
PHIL 766
Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas II
PHIL 767
Aquinas on Infused and Acquired Virtue
PHIL 769
Aquinas and His Contemporaries on Conscience and Prudence
PHIL 770
Kant's Moral and Political Philosophy
PHIL 776
Plato's Laws
PHIL 780
PHIL 781
Descartes' Science
PHIL 785
Avicenna's De Anima
PHIL 787
Avicenna, Averroes, and Aquinas on Intellect
PHIL 788
Medieval Epistemology: Thirteenth Century Themes, Abstraction, Illumination and the First Known
PHIL 789
Abelard and Twelfth Century Thought
PHIL 791
Thought of William of Ockham
PHIL 792
Directed Reading - Doctoral
PHIL 795
Bonaventure and His Sources
PHIL 797
Metaphysics of John Duns Scotus
PHIL 798
Pre-Modern Philosophy in the First Person
PHIL 799
Augustine's City of God
PHIL 808
Hegel's Science of Logic
PHIL 809
The Common Good
PHIL 810
Wholes, Parts, & Principles of Motion
PHIL 814
Aristotle's Metaphysics
PHIL 815
Hegel and Heidegger on Experience
PHIL 816
The Confessions of St Augustine
PHIL 818
Wittgenstein's Later Philosophy
PHIL 819
Aqns Treatise on Passn of Soul
PHIL 820
Mind, World, and "Mind and World"
PHIL 823
Kant's Critique of Judgment
PHIL 825
Aesthetics and Phenomenology
PHIL 828
Contemporary Natural Law Thrs
PHIL 830
Kierkegaard's Either/Or
PHIL 831
Husserl's Cartesian Meditations
PHIL 832
Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
PHIL 833
Plato's Philebus
PHIL 834
Aquinas on Justice
PHIL 835
Aquinas on Evil
PHIL 836
Thomas Aquinas on the Divine Nature (Summa contra Gentiles I)
PHIL 837
Topics in 19th Century German Philosophy
PHIL 839
Stoics, Epicureans, & Skeptics
PHIL 842
Thomas Aquinas Speaks of God
PHIL 843
Lecture Series
PHIL 847
Universal & Particulars in Analytic Metaphysics
PHIL 848
Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature
PHIL 850
Hegel's Philosophy of Right
PHIL 853
Augustine on Free Choice of the Will
PHIL 854
Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
PHIL 860
Fall of the Angels: Augustine to Scotus
PHIL 864
Aquinas on the Goodness and Malice of Human Acts
PHIL 865
Essence and Necessity in Analytic Metaphysics
PHIL 867
Husserl's Crisis of European Sciences
PHIL 870
Avicenna's Metaphysics
PHIL 871
Thomas Aquinas on Free Choice
PHIL 872
Boethius's Consolatio Philosophiae
PHIL 875
Plato's Early Dialogues
PHIL 876
Hobbes Leviathan
PHIL 877
Aquinas Questions on the Soul
PHIL 878
Philosophy of Law
PHIL 881
Aquinas on Divine Ideas
PHIL 885
Plato's Gorgias
PHIL 887
Aristotle and the PreSocratics on the Science of Nature
PHIL 888
Aristotle's Politics
PHIL 889
Husserl's Formal and Transcendental Logic
PHIL 894
Fichte's Ethics and Political Philosophy
PHIL 897
Aquinas on Pleasure
PHIL 899
Arabic into Latin: the Influences of Arabic Texts on Medieval Latin Authors
PHIL 901
Aristotle on Intellect and Intellectual Virtue
PHIL 902
Aristotle's Nicomachean and Eudemian Ethics
PHIL 904
Plato's Theory of Recollection: the Meno, the Phaedo, and the Phaedrus
PHIL 907
Heidegger's The Basic Problems of Phenomenology
PHIL 910
Plato's Sophist and Statesman
PHIL 915
The Philosophy of Karl Marx
PHIL 917
Heidegger's Introduction to Metaphysics
PHIL 918
Heidegger's Fundamental Problems
PHIL 919
Heidegger's The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics: World, Finitude, Solitude
PHIL 920
Heidegger's Being and Time
PHIL 921
Aquinas on Categories of Being
PHIL 924
Aristotle's De Caelo
PHIL 926
The Issue of Truth in Phenomenology and Metaphysics
PHIL 927
Towards a History of the Concept of the Person
PHIL 928
PHIL 929
Aquinas's Commentary on the De hebdomadibus
PHIL 930
Hegel and his Critics
PHIL 996
Doctoral Dissertation Research
Doctoral Comprehensive Examination (w/Classes)
Doctoral Comprehensive Examination (w/o Classes)