PHIL 764 Divine Providence: Book 3 of the Summa contra Gentiles

The purpose of the first three books of the Summa contra gentiles is to articulate the ways in which Aristotelianism coheres with the truths of the Christian faith. The purpose of this course is to engage in a close reading of Book III of the Summa contra gentiles. In accord with the internal division of the text, the course will consider three main issues. The first is God as the end and good of all things. The main focus in this section, and indeed of the course, will be on the question of human happiness: How does Aristotelian eudaimonism cohere with the Christian faith? What is the end of man? Is there a natural end or a supernatural end? The very possibility of a Thomistic "ethic" depends upon how that question is answered. The second main issue is God's general governance of things: How does God govern things in a way that allows for genuine creaturely causality and autonomy? The third main issue is God's governance of rational creatures by law: How do divine and natural law function in God's providence?
