Secondary Major in Business

Major Requirements

Major requirements can be found at Business - Secondary Major

The secondary major in Business is distinct from the Busch School Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (B.S.B.A.) and Bachelor of Science in Accounting (B.S.) degrees because it is designed to be taken only as part of a double major in conjunction with a primary major from one of the other Schools of the University.  As part of a double major, this program satisfies the “focus” requirement of the Liberal Arts Core.

Students with a secondary major in business will earn the degree for their primary major. Students who wish to major in business alone must complete the requirements for the B.S.B.A. Students who wish to prepare for the Certified Public Accountant (C.P.A.) exam must complete the requirements of the B.S.A.

Requires a total of ten unique 3-credit courses within the following categories, plus the four 1-credit “Career Discernment” courses.