Bachelor of Science in Accounting

Major Requirements

Requirements for the major can be found at Accounting - Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

Admission Requirement

  1. Baccalaureate students admitted to Catholic University (or who transfer in from another university), who are considering a career in Accounting, are matriculated as Accounting Exploratory students in the Busch School of Business.
    1. During their first two years as Accounting Exploratory students, they pursue a general liberal education, take foundational business courses, and learn about the vocation of accounting through selected accounting and related courses.
    2. Students are continually reviewed during their first two years in the Busch School of Business. If they are not meeting the Cumulative and Accounting GPA requirements in #2 (below), their entire record will be evaluated to determine if they can continue as Accounting Exploratory students.
  2. At the completion of 60 credit hours, Catholic University Accounting Exploratory students who meet the following academic and professional conduct standards will be admitted into the upper division BS Accounting program:
    1. Academic standards:
      1. Minimum 3.00 cumulative grade point average (GPA), and
      2. Earned at least a grade of B in ACCT 205 and ACCT 206
    2. Professional conduct standards:
      1. Attend promptly and prepare well for all classes, and any meetings with professors, mentors, and advisors;
      2. Participate in events required of accounting majors, and
      3. Always act ethically and with integrity in all on-campus and off-campus activities.
  3. Students who are not admitted to the upper division B.S. Accounting program will be assisted by their faculty advisor in identifying another plan of studies at the Busch School of Business or other schools at Catholic University.

Comprehensive Assessment Requirement

  • In their senior year, all Accounting students must pass a Comprehensive Assessment of their learning in the Busch School of Business. The Comprehensive Assessment is administered as an oral examination before four or five evaluators.
  • Accounting students must register for ACCT 498 in order to take the examination.
  • A grade of High Pass, Pass, or Fail is granted.
  • Students who fail must retake ACCT 498, and at least 40 days must elapse between attempts.