MSM 681 Consultative Professional Sales

Consultative Professional Sales studies the art and science of professional selling, while also teaching the application of sales strategy and techniques to other business and personal situations. This course will help you be an effective leader by helping you understand B2B sales from both an individual perspective and from a leadership perspective. With an emphasis on teaching ethical, trust-based sales process & strategy in a B2B environment, you will learn why sales is a noble profession and why it requires a focus on creating mutual value. We will explore how to be more effective at selling ideas and negotiating. As a team you'll learn "commercial teaching" techniques to construct and deliver sales presentation. Other topics include sales and marketing messaging, buyer behavior, customer-centric sales techniques, active listening, commercial teaching, ethical selling, negotiating, and creating mutual value. Finally, throughout the semester, each student will participate on a team and construct a sales presentation for a real company, culminating in a live "mock" sales presentation.



Cross Listed Courses

MKT 422 & MSM 681


Open to Master of Science in Management students in the Metropolitan School of Professional Studies; other students must secure department permission to enroll