ME 579 Acoustic Metamaterials

This is a 3-credit, elective course for students in mechanical and biomedical engineering. This course aims to provide fundamentals of acoustic propagation and mechanical characterization of biological tissue in the context of medical applications. The course will cover: acoustic wave propagation; acoustic radiation force; attenuation, absorption and scattering; Doppler effect; piezoelectric effect; ultrasonic transducer; ultrasonic imaging (B-mode); Beamforming; synthetic aperture imaging; Doppler flow measurements; color Doppler flow imaging; acoustic radiation force imaging; shear wave elastography, supersonic shear wave imaging; harmonic imaging; photoacoustic imaging; biological effects of ultrasound (heating, cavitation); in vitro and in vivo methods for speed, attenuation, absorption and scattering measurements. Open to graduate students and to seniors with department consent.



Cross Listed Courses

ME 579 & MSE 579