History - Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

This major is offered through the Department of History in the School of Arts and Sciences.

To graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in History, eleven courses are required. Of these eleven, at least two and no more than four courses must be at the 100- or 200-level; two must be junior research seminars (HIST 40x, HIST 41x, HIST 42x), ordinarily taken in consecutive semesters during the junior year); and one must be a senior thesis (HIST 496), taken in the first semester of the senior year. All remaining classes must be at the 300-level and above. At the end of the sophomore year students are formally accepted as history majors. All four HSHU courses (HSHU 101, HSHU 102, HSHU 203, HSHU 204) can count as 100-, 200- or 300-level HIST courses. In order to be accepted, a student must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 and grades of C or better in all history courses taken up to the point of acceptance.

100-200 Level Course - Take Two

HIST 1XX100-Level History Course

HIST 2XX200-Level History Course

HSHU 101Jesus to Muhammad: The Early Christians in the Mediterranean World


HSHU 102Charlemagne to Chaucer: Christian Life in the Middle Ages


HSHU 203The Age of Discovery


HSHU 204Christian Culture/Secular Age


100-300 Level Course - Take Two

HIST 1XX100-Level History Course

HIST 2XX200-Level History Course

HIST 3XX300-Level History Course

HSHU 101Jesus to Muhammad: The Early Christians in the Mediterranean World


HSHU 102Charlemagne to Chaucer: Christian Life in the Middle Ages


HSHU 203The Age of Discovery


HSHU 204Christian Culture/Secular Age


History Electives - Take Four

HIST 3XX300-Level History Course

HIST 4XX400-Level History Course

Junior Seminar - Take Two

40XHistory Course Numbered 400-409

41XHistory Course Numbered 410-419

HIST 420American Lives in the Twentieth Century


Senior Thesis - Take One

HIST 496Senior Thesis Seminar