Education Studies - Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

This program does not lead to a teaching license. Instead, it provides majors in Education Studies the skills they need for employment in a variety of settings. These settings include local, state, or federal government education positions; industry and/or trade association education positions; or education positions in hospitals, museums, foundations, professional associations, or charitable organizations. This is the most flexible undergraduate major offered by the Department of Education at The Catholic University of America. Each program of study is designed by the candidate and the candidate's adviser to satisfy the wants of the candidate, and his or her hopes for employment upon graduation. 


The Education Studies Program informs majors who want to work with or for children in non-school settings. It prepares majors to understand the ways schools function and to gain firsthand knowledge of how outside agencies may enhance or impede the work of schools. Candidates majoring in education studies gain knowledge enabling them to be informed citizens and parents who understand how to interact constructively with schools. Through its several foci, this program may also teach majors how to enter, manage, or begin businesses related to education; how to design educational products; or how to obtain employment in educationally related mass media, including public relations, advertising, or print journalism. Education Studies majors can also focus on education issues relevant to the workplace or the United States justice system or those of concern to special populations. 

Each major's program must be approved by the coordinator of Education Studies; every program will contain at least one special focus. Advising about focus and course selection will take into consideration the candidate's personal needs and career goals. Usually, candidates enroll in one or more semesters of practicum or internship that serves to draw together their coursework in a culminating experience that serves to acquaint candidates with the real world of work. 

In order to be accepted as an Education Studies major, candidates must have at least a 2.3 cumulative average and must apply to and be accepted by the School of Arts and Sciences with the approval of the Department of Education. Application forms for admission to this program are obtained from the department. Candidates whose grade point average falls below 2.0 may be dropped from this major.