Bachelor of Arts Degree Requirements

Forty credit-bearing courses of at least three semester hours each are required, with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 for courses taken at this university. At least half the courses in a degree program must be taken at the Catholic University of America. The number of transfer courses after matriculation at Catholic University is limited to two times the number of years in residence; this limit does not apply to courses brought in at the time of matriculation or to courses taken during Catholic University Education Abroad programs. In addition, no more than two courses per year may be transferred from summer terms at other institutions.

Normal course load and over-electing

The normal course load is five courses of three or more credits each per semester. A student who earns a 3.0 semester grade-point average or has a 3.0 cumulative average is automatically given permission to over-elect a sixth course in the following semester. Any student may request permission to over-elect a sixth course regardless of GPA in one semester of the senior year but not both (unless the GPA criterion is met). Please complete the form found here to request permission to over-elect.