SPAN 225 Magic in German and Hispanic Literature and Film

This course explores "Magical Realism," the merging of reality with magical elements, as it evolved in the art and literature in German and Spanish speaking countries. Through a variety of texts, students will develop an understanding of the concept and its different representations. Critical questions of translation, regionalism, and cultural identity will be discussed. Readings include works by such acclaimed authors as Gabriel García Márquez, Günter Grass, Mario Vargas Llosa, Ernst Jünger, Jorge Luis Borges, Alejo Carpentier, Marie Luise Kaschnitz, Laura Esquivel, and Patrick Süskind. Films include Un chien andalou (Luis Buñuel; Salvador Dalí, 1929), Aguirre. Der Zorn Gottes (Werner Herzog, 1972), Como agua para chocolate (Alfonso Arau, 1992). In English.



Cross Listed Courses

GER 225 & MDIA 225 & SPAN 225