DR 495 Theatre Internship

Advanced Drama students work with a professional theatre company or distinguished art institution in such capacities as are mutually agreed upon by the student, the company, and the student advisor. Each student is responsible for seeking and winning such an internship position; the availability of internships cannot be guaranteed. The student must develop, in conjunction with the instructor/advisor and responsible members of the professional theatre staff, a detailed proposal that includes a description of the responsibilities of the student, the extent of the commitment in terms of time, and the means by which the student is to be evaluated at the end of the internship. Proposals will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, considering the impact on the department's productions, the value of the internship for the particular student's development, and the student's overall record. Students working in internships should commit to no other department obligations in that term and should be aware that an internship may lengthen the time needed to complete their degree program.
