ART 230 Smart Phone Filmmaking

SMART FILMMAKING ON SMART PHONES ( or just SMART PHONE FILMMAKING) The best camera is the one you've got with you - that's what still photographers like to say, but it's also becoming more and more relevant to daring independent filmmakers, and anyone who likes to use the video capability of their phone. In 2005, the first feature length film was made on a mobile phone and indie filmmakers around the world took careful note. Smart phones like the iPhone 6 shoot very high quality video, have customized tripods, lenses, and apps; they record remarkably good quality sound and can be modified to record with professional microphones. Every year smart phone video technology improves and more and more customized filmmaking tools are added by developers. But you'd be surprised what you can accomplish with just the basic tools - you, your phone, and some editing software. During six intensive classes this course will help you improve your skills working with your own smart phone and make videos that will catch the attention even of skeptics. Students need to supply their own smart phone with video capabilities.
