Medical Humanities

Students choose three of the following:

CLAS 244 Greek Tragedy and its Modern Reception*
ENG 330 Memoir*
ENG 461 or ENG 462 Plays of Shakespeare I or Plays of Shakespeare II*
HIST 214 Pandemics: A Comparative History*
HIST 316 England after the Black Death*
PHIL 303 or PHIL 311 or TRS 333 Biomedical Ethics* orContemporary Moral Issues* orBioethics*
PHIL 313B Philosophy of Human Nature*
PHIL 331B Philosophy of Knowledge*
SOC 102 Global Social Problems and Social Justice*
SOC 109 Health and Society
TRS 335 Christian Marriage and Family*
TRS 353 Religion and the Life Cycle*

*Indicates courses that fulfill a Liberal Arts Curriculum “foundations” or “explorations” requirement