Academic Honesty

  1. Academic honesty is expected of all Catholic University students. Faculty are required to initiate the imposition of sanctions when they find violations of academic honesty, such as plagiarism, improper use of a student’s own work, cheating, and fabrication. The following sanctions are presented in the university procedure related to Student Academic Dishonesty (from Please review the complete texts of the University policy and procedures regarding Student Academic Dishonesty, including requirements for appeals.
  2. Due to HIPPA policies:
    1. No social media postings including photographs may be taken anywhere in the clinical or classroom simulation facilities.
    2. Some clinical agencies do not allow cell phones to be present during any student clinical experiences. If the cell phone policy is violated, the student may be asked to leave and not return to the clinical area. Another clinical placement cannot be guaranteed for students, and they may receive a failing clinical course grade.
    3. Patient information is not to be taken from the facility (i.e., report sheets with patients’ names).
    4. If either of these events occurs, the student will fail the clinical course.