Transfer Admission

Application Method

Transfer students may apply for admission for either the fall or spring semesters. The application deadline is July 15 for fall candidates and November 15 for spring candidates.

Students can apply as candidates for transfer admission if they hold a high school diploma or its equivalent and have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours at an accredited college or university. Students can transfer a maximum of 60 earned credit hours to Catholic University.

Final terms of admission are conditioned by the following:

  1. Credits must represent work that is applicable to a current curriculum in the University;
  2. Credits must represent work that is substantially equivalent in quality and quantity to the work pursued here for which it is to be substituted;
  3. Only courses passed with a grade of at least C (when D is passing) will be considered;
  4. No more than the equivalent of one semester's credit at this University will be given for a semester of work done elsewhere;
  5. Of the last 36 to 40 semester hours of credit earned for the degree, 30 semester hours (60 hours for the School of Arts and Sciences) must be earned at The Catholic University of America.

For those entering at the sophomore or junior class level, Liberal Arts requirements may be modified. Consult the dean of the appropriate school.

Credits taken outside The Catholic University of America are not considered when calculating the student's grade point average at the University.

On the recommendation of the cognizant dean, credit for educational experiences in programs of the armed services will be accepted for transfer after completion of at least one semester of full-time study in a degree program at this University and for such courses that are substitutes for courses required in the degree program.

Required Credentials for Transfer Candidates

Transfer applications are considered complete when the Office of Undergraduate Admission has received the following:

  1. The completed Common Application for Transfer;
  2. Common Application for Transfer essay;
  3. A complete, official secondary (high) school transcript, or equivalent, with a graduation or completion date;
  4. One official transcript from each postsecondary institution attended;
  5. A Certification of Good standing, satisfied by submitting The Common Application’s College Official’s Report or a letter of good standing from your Dean of Students, Academic Advisor, or Registrar;
  6. A letter of recommendation;
  7. Official TOEFL or IELTS scores if the candidate’s native language is not English;
  8. Portfolio (Architecture students only);
  9. Audition (BFA Acting and Music students only).