
Former Catholic University students who were dismissed, have withdrawn, or are presumed to have withdrawn because of failure to maintain continuous enrollment, can apply for readmission to the University. As students begin the application process, they are encouraged to contact the dean's office of the school to which they are reapplying.

An application for readmission is subject to the same scrutiny as is an application for first-year undergraduate admission, and the student may be required to adhere to degree requirements adopted since original matriculation or to special requirements imposed as a condition of readmission, such as repeating certain examinations or work in a course.

An applicant for readmission is required to file the appropriate application ( Readmission to the University does not guarantee eligibility for financial aid. Satisfactory academic progress must be demonstrated.

The University complies with requirements regarding readmission of veterans as set forth in Executive Order 13607, Principles of Excellence for Educational Institutions Serving Service Members, Veterans, Spouses, and Other Family Members.