Master of Science in Net-Zero Design & Master in Architecture (Dual Degree Program)

Joint Degree

Students enroll simultaneously in the school's accredited Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) program and the Master of Science in Net-Zero Design (M.S.N.Z.D.).

The MSNZD program forms a highly-tuned educational base of building performance analytics which informs design that can be evaluated throughout its lifetime. MSNZD covers a wide range of sustainable design principles such as greenhouse gas emissions and zero energy design, embodied energy and life cycle analysis, national and international green rating systems, ethical design, sustainable operations and maintenance, water conservation and management, and design for WELL Building Standard. 


The MSNZD program consists of 30 credit hours of coursework. Twelve credit hours can be earned simultaneously in the MArch program. 



18 credits of MSNZD elective courses. Coursework covers relevant topics, including ethics and stewardship, decarbonization, resilience, health, and interiors. 

12 credits of applied knowledge in design.

Patricia Andrasik (, director, serves as the MSNZD advisor for students as it pertains to course selection and thesis direction.