Master of Architecture with IPAL

The Program

Students accepted to this program must complete the graduate course requirements plus those basic architecture courses in which their background is deficient. The academic and work background of each student entering the program in this category will be thoroughly reviewed. Based on this review, a degree program will be tailored to fit the needs of the student. In most cases, the student can expect to be enrolled in both graduate and the basic courses at the same time. The design studio and the mathematics/technical courses are the heart of the curriculum and rely heavily on an extended sequence of prerequisites. Students will be placed in each sequence according to their academic background and experience.

Students will be advanced according to their demonstrated abilities. Summer school may be utilized to facilitate the student's advancement. Admission to the 600 level design studios will be on the basis of portfolio review and approval.

Students entering the program with professional experience might be allowed to skip certain classes, but the credits must be fulfilled with a program elective or by way of transferring credit for previously taken equivalents.

The Integrated Path to Architecture License (IPAL) is a program developed by NCARB, the licensing Board for professional architects. The IPAL track allows the student the opportunity to complete the three required components for Architectural Registration upon completion of the Master of Architecture Degree:

  1. NAAB Accredited Architecture program (Master of Architecture)
  2. 6 required Architectural Registration Exams (ARE)
  3. 3,740 hours of paid architectural internships
Program of Studies Semester Hours
Summer 1
ARPL 500 Intro to Design and Graphics 6
ARPL 541 Structures I 3
ARPL 621 Digital Construction Documents 3
Fall 1
ARPL 501 Architectural Design Studio I 6
ARPL 511 History of Architecture I 3
ARPL 783 Ethics and Stewardship 3
ARPL 641 The Classical Language of Architecture 3
ARPL 633 Construction I 3
Spring 1
ARPL 502 Architectural Design Studio II 6
ARPL 512 History of Architecture II 3
ARPL 532 Environmental Systems Design 1 3
ARPL 542 Structures II 3
ARPL 634 Construction II 3
Summer Internship 1 - 560 hours
Fall 2
ARPL 601 Architecture Design Themed Studio 6
ARPL 611 History of Architecture III 3
ARPL 731 Environmental Systems II 3
ARPL 521 Predesign 3
Winter Internship 2a - 140 hours
Spring 2
ARPL 602 Studio III: Integrated Building Design Studio 6
ARPL 632 Integrated Building Design Supplement 3
ARPL 514 Introduction to Architectural Theory 3
ARPL 742 Advanced Structures 3
Summer Internship 2b ARE Exam 1 - 560 hours
Fall 3
ARPL 701 Architectural Design Themed Studio II 6
ARPL 636 Design Process and Methods 3
Free Elective 3
Winter Internship 3a - 140 hours
Spring Internship 3b, ARE Exam 2 - 560 hours
Summer Internship 3c - 560 hours
Fall 4
ARPL 696C Independent Thesis I 3
ARPL XXX Advanced Architectural Theory Elective 3
ARPL XXX Program Elective 2 3
ARPL XXX Program Elective 1 3
Spring 4
ARPL 696D Independent Thesis II 6
ARPL 722 Professional Practices 3
Summer Internship 4b - ARE Exams 4 & 5 -560 hours
Fall Internship 5, ARE Exam 6 - 560 hours
Total Credits 111

Internship hours will happen over winter breaks, summers and one spring semester.

Students must achieve at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average in order to fulfill the requirements for the degree. Students may be allowed to repeat courses to improve their standing. In such cases, the highest grade earned in those courses will be considered in determining academic standing.

Since a C grade is passing but marginal at the graduate level, C grades are permitted in a maximum of one-third of the courses required for the degree. A grade of C in studio courses is not acceptable; students who earn C grades may repeat only one studio course.