Program in Islamic World Studies

Program Director: Lev Weitz,


 Niki Akhavan Associate Professor of Media and Communication Studies
 Jon W. Anderson  Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
 Aaron M. Butts  Associate Professor of Semitics
 Sidney H. Griffith, S.T.  Professor Emeritus of Semitics
 Elizabeth Guthrie  Clinical Instructor in Arabic
 Shawqi Talia  Lecturer in Semitics
 Wilhelmus Valkenberg  Professor of Theology and Religious Studies
 Lev Weitz  Associate Professor of History

Islamis Studies Website

Islamic World Studies (IWS) is Catholic University’s multidisciplinary program focused on the societies, cultures, religious traditions, and politics of the Muslim world. Open to all Catholic University undergraduates, IWS offers a Minor and a Certificate that supplement undergraduate majors by assembling University offerings on the Islamic world, covering the Middle East and Africa to South and Southeast Asia to Europe and the Americas, from the emergence of Islam until today. IWS emphasizes the common heritage of Islam and Christianity in the high Middle Ages and in contemporary issues of religious identity and practice. The program draws on the expertise of scholars in History, Modern Languages, Media and Communication Studies, Semitics, Anthropology, Philosophy, and Religious Studies, as well as the resources of the J.K. Mullen Library and the Consortium of Washington Area Universities. The IWS Certificate requires students to undertake a serious commitment to Arabic. The Minor has no language requirement.

Minor in Islamic World Studies

The requirements for the minor can be found at Islamic World Studies - Minor

Certificate in Arabic & Islamic World Studies

The requirements for the minor can be found at Arabic and Islamic World Studies - Certificate

Qualification in advanced intermediate Arabic either by completion of ARAB 203 / ARAB 204 or equivalency examination.