
The School of Arts and Sciences seeks to promote the pursuit of truth in all its modes and ways and so to intellectual excellence within the University; to educate our students into the fundamentals of critical insight, mature judgment and independent thinking; and to strengthen our students’ sense of their moral responsibility for others and for the flourishing of the human family.

We are committed to our Christian intellectual and moral foundations, so the School respects the beliefs of and recognizes the image of God in all the members of its diverse community. We invite everyone to a flourishing participation in God’s creation, to seek truth in teaching, research and scholarship and to apply such truth to enrich their personal lives and serve their communities.

Our distinctive identity as the first Catholic research institution of higher education in the United States provides additional inspiration for our educational mission. Catholic University was founded in 1887 to form intellectual leaders who could serve the Church and nation. This history underpins our commitment to drawing on our collective traditions as a source of renewal as we educate responsible leaders for a challenging, ever-changing world.