Grading and Progression Policies

The following standards are required for all courses with a NURS prefix:

  1. A minimum grade of C (73.00) is required in all nursing courses ( i.e., 73.00 or higher is passing). The Conway School of Nursing does not allow rounding of final course grades. Please refer to the course syllabus for specific details.
  2. A student may repeat only one nursing "clinical/performance" course in which a grade of F was earned and must pass that course on the second attempt. A satisfactory clinical/performance evaluation is necessary to pass clinical/performance courses.
  3. Two failures in any course with a NURS prefix will result in dismissal. Failure in a (Nursing) course with a NURS prefix is defined as obtaining a grade that is a C- (72.9) or below.
  4. Required courses in the nursing major (beginning with the prefix NURS) may be repeated only once, including withdrawal and audit.
  5. A student in the Traditional Program must be successful in their first attempt of all nursing courses in order to meet the specified time sequence.