Liturgical Studies/Sacramental Theology

1. Faculty:

Academic Area Director: Rev. Dominic Serra
Ordinary Professor: Msgr. Paul McPartlan
Associate Professors: Rev. Stefanos Alexopoulos
Very Rev. Mark Morozowich
Rev. Dominic Serra
Rev. Michael Witczak
Research Professor: Msgr. Kevin Irwin
Research Assistant Professor: Rev. Marco Benini
Professor Emerita: Sister Mary Collins, O.S.B.

2. Degrees Offered:

  1. Civil Degrees:
    1. Master of Arts (M.A.)
    2. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
  2. Ecclesiastical Degrees:
    1. Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)
    2. Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)

3. Master of Arts (M.A.)

The goal of the M.A. in liturgical studies/sacramental theology is to equip students for a broad range of educational, diocesan, and parish ministries. It also leads to advanced study on the doctoral level. Some interdisciplinary study in allied academic areas such as music, architecture, etc. is possible.

  1. Admission Requirements:
    1. Applicants should possess a B.A. with a liberal arts emphasis, and have completed courses in Ecclesiology, Christology, and critical introductions to the Old and New Testaments.
    2. Students should demonstrate a familiarity with the general areas of Liturgical Studies (covered in TRS 540).
    3. Students should have a basic familiarity with Church History. IV. Please refer to the admission requirements section of the "Civil Degrees: Master of Arts (M.A.)"
    4. Please refer to the admission requirements section of the "Civil Degrees: Master of Arts (M.A.)"
  2. Coursework Requirements:
    1. The M.A. degree consists of a minimum of 30 credit hours. This includes a core curriculum of 12 credits hours and 18 additional credit hours of electives
    2. The four core courses are: (1) TRS 741A: Liturgy: Theological and Historical Perspectives; (2) TRS 741B: Liturgy and Culture; (3) TRS 740: Liturgical Sources; and (4) TRS 744: Eucharist: A Liturgical Theology.
    3. Research paper option: two research papers done in connection with courses (25-30 pages each)
    4. Thesis Option: An M.A. thesis (75-100 pages). The thesis fulfills 6 of the 18 credit hours in electives
  3. Language Requirements:
    1. Students must demonstrate reading proficiency in both Latin and French.
    2. The Latin requirement is fulfilled by passing a reading exam for which the best preparation is LAT 509.
    3. The French requirement is fulfilled by passing a reading exam administered within STRS for which FREN 500 is a good preparation.
  4. Comprehensive Examination:
    1. The M.A. comprehensive examination is normally taken during the student's last semester of study.
    2. Comprehensive exams are based on an M.A. reading list.
    3. Comprehensive exams are evaluated as one unit on a pass/fail basis.

4. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

The goal of the Ph.D. in liturgical studies/sacramental theology is to equip students for careers in research, writing, and teaching on the college, university, and seminary levels. Coursework and dissertations for this degree often reflect an interdisciplinary approach to liturgical studies.

  1. Admission Requirements:
    1. The minimum requirement for entrance into the Ph.D. in Liturgical Studies/Sacramental Theology is either a master's or licentiate degree in an appropriate discipline. Students entering with a licentiate will be considered for advanced standing in the program. Relevant bodies within the school will review the quality of an applicant's academic record. After such evaluation, further work may be required for individual students, including work in related disciplines. It is expected that applicants to the program in Liturgical Studies/Sacramental Theology would have taken courses in a critical introduction to the Old and New Testaments, Christology, ecclesiology, and liturgical studies/sacramental theology, and will have familiarity with church history.
    2. Applicants are expected to have taken master's -level courses equivalent to the School of Theology and Religious Studies courses in TRS 741A: Liturgy: Theological and Historical Perspectives, TRS 740: Liturgical Sources, and a TRS 744: Eucharist: A Liturgical Theology."
  2. Coursework Requirements:
    1. Ph.D. students are required to complete a minimum of 36 credit hours.
    2. 18 of the 36 credit hours will be in Liturgical Studies/Sacramental Theology from courses offered on the 700 and 800 levels. (12 of the 18 credit hours should be from 800-level doctoral seminars.)
    3. 12 credit hours will be in electives in courses taken from other field within the STRS on the 700 and 800 levels, e.g., Biblical Studies, Systematics Theology, Church History, etc.
    4. The final 6 credit hours will be taken from another field within STRS or from another school within the university, e.g. Architecture, Anthropology, Music, etc. in courses at a level equivalent to STRS 700 and 800 levels. This will establish the student's allied field of study.
    5. During their coursework, students will be required to produce 4 research papers that will become a part of the student's file to be reviewed by the Liturgical Studies/Sacramental Theology faculty prior to the student being granted doctoral candidacy. Each research paper will be 25-30 pages. At least 3 of these papers should be written in conjunction with 800- level courses and should evidence the student's proficiency in doing research using foreign languages. These papers will be evaluated by the course professor and given a letter grade. After the students have seen the graded text, the paper will be placed in the student's file.
  3. Language Requirements:
    1. Students are to demonstrate reading proficiency in Latin and Greek and in two modern languages, usually German and French.
    2. The language requirements will be met by passing a reading proficiency examination administered within the School of Theology and Religious Studies.
    3. Depending on a student's research agenda, another modern language may be substituted for German or French. Approval for such a substitution will be granted by the director of the academic area upon consultation with the liturgical studies/sacramental theology faculty.
    4. The student's research agenda may suggest that an additional ancient language be added.
  4. Comprehensive Examination:
    1. Written comprehensive examinations will be taken over three days. Ordinarily these are taken within one week, at dates published on the TRS academic calendar.
    2. Two of these days will be comprehensives in the liturgical studies/sacramental theology area of concentration. The final day will be on the student's allied area of study.
    3. The material for the comprehensives will be taken from three bibliographies prepared by the student in consultation with an instructor chosen in each of the three fields.
  5. Dissertation: Please refer to the dissertation section of the "Civil Degrees: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)" for further information.

Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.) and Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.) in Two Concentrations:

Two ecclesiastical degree concentrations are offered at the S.T.L. and S.T.D. levels. Each track accentuates one of the two inseparable aspects of this academic area, Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology.

The S.T.L./S.T.D. in Liturgical Studies Focuses primarily upon the liturgical historical development of services with an accentuation upon the theological development through the centuries as the vehicle of a living theology of Christian worship.

S.T.D. seminars will be chosen by the student with consent of the advisor with this focus in mind.

The general S.T.L. descriptions apply with the following specifics:

Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L) Liturgical Studies

  1. Admission Requirements: Please refer to the admission requirements section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)" for further information.
  2. Coursework Requirements
    1. 4 core courses (12) credit hours must be completed during the first 2 semesters of coursework. These are TRS 741A: Liturgy: Theological and Historical Perspectives, TRS 741B Liturgy and Culture, TRS 740: Liturgical Sources, and TRS 744: Eucharist: A Liturgical Theology. The remaining courses (12 credit hours) are taken from electives in the specialization as recommended by the student's academic advisor.
    2. Please refer to the coursework requirements section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)” for more information.
  3. Language Requirements:
    1. Latin: A reading knowledge of Latin is a prerequisite and must be demonstrated during the first semester of coursework.
    2. Greek: A reading knowledge of Greek is to be demonstrated by the end of the second semester.
    3. Modern Language: A reading knowledge of French is preferred and should be demonstrated early in the second semester.
  4. Comprehensive Examinations: Please refer to the comprehensive exam section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)" for more information.
  5. Thesis: Please refer to the thesis section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)" for more information.
  6. Final Grade: Please refer to the final grade section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)" for more information.

Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.) Liturgical Studies

  1. Admission Requirements:
    1. An S.T.L. in Liturgical Studies comparable to the one offered in our program with special attention to the topics covered in TRS 741A, TRS 740 and TRS 744.
    2. Please refer to the admission requirements section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D)" for more information
  2. Coursework Requirements:
    1. Four doctoral seminars in the Liturgical Studies Concentration, chosen with the guidance of the academic advisor. It is possible to substitute a 700-level course for 1 of these provided that the course will require a page research paper.
    2. Please reference the coursework requirements section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)" for more information.
  3. Language Requirements: Please refer to the language requirements section in the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D)" for more information.
  4. Admission to Candidacy: Please refer to the admission to candidacy section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)" for more information.
  5. Dissertation: Please refer to the dissertation section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)" for more information
  6. Lectio coram: Please refer to the Lectio coram section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)" for more information.

The S.T.L./S.T.D Sacramental Theology focuses primarily upon the theological understanding of liturgical services in light of their historical development. This concentration attends to these matters with a focus on attention to issues in sacramental theology as these relate to the method and content of historical/systematic theology. S.T.D. seminars will be chosen by the student with the consent of the advisor with this focus in mind. The general S.T.L. descriptions apply with the following specifics.

Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.) Sacramental Theology:

  1. Admission Requirements
    1. Please refer to the admission requirements section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)” for more information.
  2. Coursework Requirements:
    1. Core Courses: TRS 741A: Liturgy: Theological and Historical Perspectives, TRS 740: Liturgical Sources, and TRS 744: Eucharist: A Liturgical Theology.
    2. Electives: must include 1 course in Christology and 1 course in Ecclesiology.
    3. Please refer to the coursework requirements section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)" for more information.
  3. Language Requirements: Languages Requirements are the same as those for the S.T.L. in Liturgical Studies.
  4. Comprehensive Examination: Please reference the comprehensive exam section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)" for more information.
  5. Thesis: Please refer to the thesis section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)" for more information.
  6. Final Grade: Please refer to the final grade section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)" for more information

Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D) Sacramental Theology

  1. Admission Requirements:
    1. An S.T.L. in Liturgical Studies comparable to the one offered in our program with special attention to the topics covered in TRS 741A, TRS 740 and TRS 744.
    2. Please refer to the admission requirements section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D)" for more information
  2. Coursework Requirements:
    1. Four doctoral seminars: 2 in Liturgical Studies/Sacramental Theology, 1 in Christology, and 1 in Ecclesiology, chosen with the guidance of the academic advisor. It is possible to substitute a 700-level course for 1 of these provided that the course will require a 25-30 page paper.
    2. Please refer the coursework requirements section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)" for more information.
  3. Admission to Candidacy: Please refer to the admission to candidacy section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)" for more information
  4. Dissertation: Please refer to the dissertation section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)" for more information.
  5. Lectio coram: Please refer to Lectio coram section of the "Ecclesiastical Degrees: Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)" for more information.