
1. Faculty

Academic Area Director: Rev. Raymond Studzinski, O.S.B.
Associate Professors: Rev. Raymond Studzinski, O.S.B.
Research Associate Professor: Dr. Jem Sullivan
Adjunct Faculty: Sister Margaret Schreiber, O.P.
Dr. Jessica DePrizzio Cole

2. Description of Academic Area:

  1. As an academic research discipline, Catechetics is interdisciplinary and prepares students for research in the field. Students wishing to pursue academic study may matriculate in either the M.A. or the Ph.D. programs in Catechetics.
  2. As a pastoral discipline distinct from Catechetics, Catechesis embraces a broad contemporary understanding of approaches to, and dynamics of pastoral ministry. Students desiring a pastoral/professional degree may matriculate for a Master of Catechesis (M.Cat.) or a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) with a concentration in Liturgical Catechesis

3. Degrees Offered:

  1. Master of Arts (M.A.)
  2. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
  3. Master of Catechesis (M.Cat.)
  4. Doctor of Ministry (D.Min. with a concentration in Liturgical Catechesis)

4. Master of Arts (M.A.):

The M.A. in Catechetics introduces the student to scholarship and research in the areas of Catechetics and Catechesis, with a special emphasis on Liturgical Catechesis. The degree program prepares the student for advanced and doctoral studies in the field of Catechetics. The program is designed to give the student a solid academic foundation in the discipline while offering the opportunity for elective courses to further research goals.

  1. Admission Requirements: Please refer to the admission requirements section of the "Civil Degrees: Master of Arts (M.A.)" for further information.
  2. Coursework Requirements:
    1. The M.A. degree requires a minimum of 36 credit hours of coursework, which is to include two major research papers for their file. Alternatively, students may choose to complete 30 credit hours of coursework and work with a professor in completing a Master's thesis (6 credit hours).
    2. Students are to maintain a 3.3 GPA.
    3. 24 of the 36 required credit hours are foundational courses in Catechetics, Liturgical Catechesis, and Theology.
    4. 12 of the 36 credit hours are electives determined in consultation with the student's advisor.
    5. Research Paper option: 2 major research papers, one paper demonstrating an ability to incorporate sources in French or another modern language, are to be written in courses at the 600 or 700 level each of which must be on a topic directly related to the study of Catechetics. These papers become part of the student's file.
    6. Thesis option: An M.A. thesis (together with 2 semesters of thesis guidance) which counts as 6 of the above listed required 36 credit hours.
    7. Please refer to the coursework requirements section of the "Civil Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)" for more information.
  3. Language Requirements:
    1. M.A. students must demonstrate reading competence in French or another approved language usually by the end of the second semester of coursework.
    2. Please refer to the language requirements section of the "Civil Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)" for more information.
  4. Comprehensive Examination
    1. Comprehensive exams are based on coursework and an M.A. reading list.
    2. Please refer to the comprehensive examination section of the "Civil Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)" for more information.

5. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.):

The Ph.D. degree in Catechetics prepares a student for advanced research, writing, and teaching at the college, university, or seminary levels. Since Catechetics is an academic research discipline that, of its nature, is interdisciplinary, the course of study includes courses in the various academic areas of TRS.

  1. Admission Requirements:
    1. M.A. degree in theology and/or religious studies or Catechetics and/or Religious Education or an equivalent degree with a cumulative GPA of 3.3 or higher is required.
    2. Additional prerequisite coursework may be required by the area director when deemed necessary for the student's successful completion of degree requirements, especially in the areas of theology and language skills.
    3. Please refer to the admission requirements section of the "Civil Degrees: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)" for more information.
  2. Coursework Requirements:
    1. A minimum of 30 credit hours of coursework beyond the M.A. degree; 36 credit hours if the student's M.A. is from another institution.
    2. In consultation with the academic advisor 15 credit hours are to be taken in Catechetics or disciplines related to Catechetics at the 700- level (lecture) and 800-level (seminar) in any TRS academic area.
    3. In consultation with the academic advisor 9 credit hours at the 700- level (lecture) and 800-level (seminar) may be taken in any TRS academic area for a minor.
    4. In consultation with the academic advisor 9 credit hours are to be taken in an allied area outside the major area of concentration. With the approval of the academic area director, these courses may be taken in other graduate schools of the University.
    5. Research Papers: In conjunction with courses taken at the 700 and 800 levels, students are required to produce 4 research papers that will become a part of the student's permanent file. Two of these papers are to incorporate foreign language sources.
    6. Assessment Interviews take place prior to registration and then at midterm of the first semester.
    7. Please refer to the coursework requirements section of the "Civil Degrees: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)" for more information.
  3. Language Requirements:
    1. A reading knowledge of Latin and French or another approved modern language must be demonstrated by successful completion of both proficiency exams in each language. This requirement should be satisfied during a student's first semester in the program.
    2. German: A reading knowledge of German is required and a proficiency language exam is to be completed by the end of the second semester of doctoral work. In consultation with the Area Director, a student, whose doctoral work requires another modern or ancient language, may request that the German requirement be waived and another language substituted.
    3. Please refer to the language requirements section of the "Civil Degrees" Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)" for more information.
  4. Comprehensive Examination:
    1. The comprehensive examination is based upon a reading list drawn up by the student in consultation with the 3 members of the examining board.
    2. Please refer to the comprehensive examination section of the "Civil Degrees: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)" section for more information.
  5. Dissertation: Please refer to the dissertation section of the "Civil Degrees: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)" for further information.

6. Master of Catechesis (M.Cat.)

The M.Cat. is a professional degree and differs from the M.A. in Catechetics. The purpose of the to prepare students to be practitioners in the field of Catechesis rather than researchers in the field of Catechetics. Catechesis prepares students for "handing on" the Christian tradition; Catechetics trains students to research and develop models and theories of Catechesis. The M.Cat. has 2 tracks: on campus and blended online.

  1. Admission Requirements
    1. An appropriate B.A. degree. The academic area retains the right to require additional prerequisite courses that are deemed necessary for the academic success of the applicant.
    2. 6 semester hours of graduate level coursework in theology or religious studies with a grade of 3.0 or above taken at another institution may be applied toward the M.Cat. degree with the area director's approval.
    3. 2 page double-spaced essay by the applicant articulating his/her call to ministerial leadership in the ministry of catechesis.
    4. Please refer to the admission requirements section of the "Pastoral Ministry Degrees: Master of Catechesis (M.Cat.)" for further information.
  2. Coursework Requirements:
    1. 30 graduate credit hours of coursework and 6 credit hours of a supervised internship or ministry project guidance.
    2. Students must maintain a 3.0 or above GPA.
    3. Students will design a ministry project after 18 credit hours of coursework and write a 20-25 pages on the project to be placed in the student's file.
    4. Students will prepare a professional portfolio.
  3. On Campus Track
    1. Students complete 30 graduate course credit hours on campus and are integrated with the M.A. and Ph.D. students in the STRS.
    2. Students engage in a ministry internship (6 graduate credit hours) in the Washington DC metropolitan region.
    3. Students participate in the Proseminar for New Graduate Ministerial Students (TRS 699A).
  4. Online Track
    1. Students complete 30 graduate course credit hours and 6 credit hours of supervised ministry related to a project implemented at the student's ministerial setting.
    2. Students typically take 6 credit hours during 3 summers and 3 credit hours during each semester over 2 academic years.
    3. Courses are taken through The Catholic University of America Blackboard (online system).
  5. Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.): Please refer to "Pastoral Degrees: Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.)" for more information about this program.