TRS 868K Peter Lombard

This course, for which reading Latin proficiently is a must and some proficiency working with manuscripts a great plus, will be team taught by Dr. Clark and Dr. Noone. History, philosophy, and theology will be attended to in equal measure. Reading widely in Peter Lombard's corpus, from his glosses on the Psalms and the Pauline Epistles, to his lectures on the Sentences and the Bible, our goal will be to situate Peter Lombard and his thought within the various twelfth-century contexts, historical, intellectual, institutional, and spiritual, within which his career should be understood. We will look as much backwards as forwards, so that students taking the course will have both a greater grasp of twelfth-century historical realities and an understanding of the continuity between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.



Cross Listed Courses

PHIL 905 & TRS 868K