DR 670 Portfolio Evaluation

Designed for students entering an M.F.A. program with considerable prior professional experience in the theatre who seek specific course credit for knowledge gained in their extra-institutional work. These credits are not for courses completed at another academic institution. Students who seek credit for prior learning in a professional setting are required to demonstrate an understanding and command of the skills and knowledge expected of students completing an M.F.A. program in the Drama Department. Prior to being admitted into a program, an applicant must present a portfolio to the appropriate program Head. The portfolio should provide comprehensive evidence of the skills and knowledge for which academic credit is being requested. The applicant may provide documentation in the form of theatre programs, photographs, audio/video recordings, reviews by professional critics, letters from directors or professional theatre teachers, and an essay by the applicant explaining the match between this work and the goals and objectives of the course for which credit is being requested. The student may consult with the appropriate program Head for further guidance. The maximum number of credit hours that may be awarded for transfer credit and portfolio evaluation combined is 24. The program Head and the Associate Chair must approve of the credits before the applicant enters into the graduate program. Once the credits are approved, the student must register for and complete DR 670 in the first year of his or her studies. This course may be repeated once in the first year of the program if the student seeks course credit for more than 12 credit hours in one semester.

