Master of Music (M.M.) – Piano Pedagogy

Entrance Requirements

In addition to meeting the general requirements for admission, students entering the Master’s in Music in piano pedagogy must submit a summary of all teaching experience and pass an audition before the piano faculty. This will be a memorized 15-minute audition of classical repertoire. The audition should consist of three pieces in contrasting tempos and styles. All entering graduate students in the Master of Music degree program in piano pedagogy must take the Music Theory Placement Examination and the Music History Placement Examination. These placement exams are administered by faculty in the Department of Music Theory, History, and Composition and are always offered in-person on the Saturday before a given term begins. If necessary, prerequisites may be assigned by the advisor.

Partnership with the Levine School of Music

A partnership has been established between the Levine School of Music consisting of the following:

Internships and Observations: Selected undergraduate and/or graduate students who are registered for 595A, Internship in Teaching Piano, and who are recommended by both Catholic University and the Levine School of Music (LSM) faculty may be able to carry out their practice teaching at LSM. Full semester/academic year practice teaching assignments may include music sampler classes or individual lessons for scholarship students. Graduate students may be able to substitute teach more advanced students on a need basis, replacing LSM faculty on short-term leaves. Internship students will be required to do a final project related to the internship course, to be evaluated by a Catholic University faculty member. Opportunities for Catholic University students to observe teachers at the LSM are possible.

Credit waiver:

Students for whom undergraduate prerequisites in piano pedagogy are required and who have completed the LSM Diploma Program in Piano Pedagogy are eligible for waiver of up to six semester hours of credit in the same upon admission to Catholic University graduate music.

Courses taken within LSM's Diploma Program in Piano Pedagogy will be considered for partial credit waiver of undergraduate prerequisites pending evaluation by Catholic University faculty.

Independent Study. Independent study projects in piano pedagogy for registered Catholic University students may be designed in collaboration with the LSM. Reciprocal projects may be created for registered LSM students.

Program of Study Semester Hours
Piano Private Instruction 6
Piano Pedagogy (includes technical skills, performance practice, graded literature, contemporary music for teaching, class piano methods) 6
Internship in Teaching Piano MUS 595A (2 semesters at 1 credit each) 2
Chamber Music MUS 605 1
Research Methodology MUS 731 3
Analytical Techniques II MUS 712 3
Seminar in Piano Technique or Elective in Music History 3
Piano Literature 3
Solo Recital MUS 936 (see below) 2
Pedagogy Paper MUS 937 (see below) 1
Comprehensive Examination MUS 698A w/classes; MUS 698B w/o classes (see below) 0
Total 30

Graduation Requirements

A 60-minute, memorized recital of music (MUS 936) that complements the candidate's previous repertory is to be performed in public, following successful completion of a private hearing before a committee of the music faculty. The recital must include a pre-Bach piece, a principal work of J.S. Bach, a classical sonata or set of variations, a romantic composition, a composition of French impressionism, and a contemporary work.

The candidate shall present to a faculty committee a research paper (MUS 937) on an aspect of piano literature, pedagogy, pianism or the piano. The paper shall be written under the guidance of the graduate advisor in piano pedagogy and completed no later than four weeks before the end of the semester in which the student plans to graduate.

Students must also successfully complete a final oral comprehensive examination (MUS 698A w/classes; MUS 698B w/o classes) in piano pedagogy integrating material covered in pedagogy courses taken during the degree program.