Master of Music (M.M.) – Dual Concentration in Piano Performance and Orchestral Instruments

Entrance Requirements

The student must meet the general requirements for admission in piano and orchestral instruments. Entrance auditions can be done either in-person or by submitting high quality recordings. All entering graduate students in the Master of Music with Dual Concentration in Piano Performance and Orchestral Instruments program must take the Music Theory Placement Examination and the Music History Placement Examination.

Program of Study Semester Hours
Private Instruction (9 piano +12 orchestral instrument) 21
Piano Literature (by advisement) 3
Wind/Percussion Orchestral Repertoire I or II (MUS 5XX/5XX), or Orchestral Literature for String Players (MUS 568) 2/3
Piano Pedagogy (by advisement) 3
Approved Instrumental ensemble (six semesters total, two for 1 credit, 4 for 0 credit) 2
Chamber Music (MUS 605) (two semesters Piano for 1 credit each) and (MUS 605A) (two semesters Orchestral Instrument for 1 credit each) 4
Research Methodology (MUS 731) 3
Analytical Techniques II (MUS 712) 3
Piano Solo Recital (MUS 902C) 0
Orchestral Instrument Solo Recital (MUS 902D) 0
Piano Concerto Performance (MUS 943) (see below) 0
Piano Chamber Work Performance (MUS 943A (see below) 0
Orchestral Instrument Concerto Performance (MUS 944) (see below) 0
Orchestral Instrument Chamber Work Performance (MUS 944A) 0
Music History Elective 3
Total 44/45

Graduation Requirements

The student is required to present two graduation recitals, one for piano (MUS 902C) and another for the orchestral instrument (MUS 902D) of approximately 70 minutes duration. Each recital is to be performed in public following successful completion of a private hearing before a recital committee, which may grant or withhold permission for public performance. In case of withholding permission, a second hearing will be granted after approval by the adviser of the program. The candidate should apply for a committee hearing at least four weeks in advance of the proposed recital date.

The student will also register for and publicly perform two concertos (one for piano (MUS 943) and another for orchestral instrument (MUS 944)) and two major chamber works (one for piano (MUS 943A) and another for orchestral instrument (MUS 944A)). Normally, these performances will be separate from the graduation recitals and must be approved by the student's faculty adviser. It is customary that the required concerti will be accompanied by piano. The securing of the accompanist is the responsibility of the soloist. Repertoire used to satisfy the concertos and chamber music requirements may not be included in the 70 minutes of repertoire required for the graduation solo recitals.