Quasten Medal

The Johannes Quasten Medal for Excellence in Scholarship and Leadership in Religious Studies was established in 1985 by Dean William Cenkner, O.P. The medal is named for Professor Johannes Quasten, the renowned patristic scholar who was a member of the faculty from 1938 until his retirement in 1979. The medal is awarded to extern scholars whose excellence in research and leadership is acknowledged in the academic world. Past recipients of the Quasten Medal include:

Rev. Gerard S. Sloyan

E. Glenn Hinson

Rev. Louis Bouyer

Robert A. Markus

David Herlihy

Rev. Robert Taft

Hermann J. Pottmeyer

John T. Noonan

Rev. Joseph A. Fitzmyer

Gerald Bonner

David Tracy

Rev. Raymond E. Brown

Rev. Virgilio Elizondo

Rev. Berard Marthaler

Rev. John O’Malley

Rev. Lawrence G. Wrenn

Bernard McGinn

Rev. Cyprian Davis

Brian Tierney

Rev. John R. Donahue

Geoffrey Wainwright

Rev. Gerald O’Collins

Metropolitan Kallistos Ware

Rev. Jared Wicks

Rev. Jeremy Driscoll

Rev. Brian Daley

Cardinal Walter Kasper

Rev. Joseph Chinnici

Eamon Duffy

Robert Louis Wilken

Very Rev. John Erickson

Mark Smith