Officers of Instruction


V. Bradley Lewis, Ph.D. Dean and Associate Professor
Rev. Ignacio de Ribera-Martín, D.C.J.M., Ph.D. Associate Dean and Associate Professor

Regular Faculty

Michele Averchi, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Marshall Bierson, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Jonathan Buttaci, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Rev. Bonaventure Chapman, O.P., Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Gregory T. Doolan, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Giacomo Fornasieri, Ph.D Assistant Professor
Michael Gorman, Ph.D. Ordinary Professor
D. Cristina Ionescu, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Thomas Marré, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
John C. McCarthy, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Melissa Moschella, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Michael Rohlf, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Msgr. Robert Sokolowski, Ph.D. Ordinary Professor, The Elizabeth Breckenridge Caldwell Professor of Philosophy
Nathaniel Taylor, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Steven Waldorf, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Kevin White, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Sr. Anna Wray, O.P.,Ph.D. Collegiate Assistant Professor

Emeritus Faculty

Jean De Groot, Ph.D. Professor Emerita
Thérèse-Anne Druart, Ph.D. Professor Emerita
Virgil P. Nemoianu, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus
Timothy B. Noone, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus

Associates of the Faculty

Ann Brach, Ph.D. Lecturer
Richard F. Hassing, Ph.D Research Associate Professor
Tobias Hoffmann, Ph.D. Research Ordinary Professor
Francis R. Hittinger, Ph.D. Research Ordinary Professor
Elizabeth Shaw, Ph.D. Associate Editor of The Review of Metaphysics
Msgr. James Watkins, Ph.D. Lecturer
Jeffrey D. Wilson, Ph.D. Research Associate Professor