Department of Mechanical Engineering

Professors J. Steven Brown; Jeffrey Herrmann; Santiago Solares
Professors Emeriti Sen Nieh; Yun Chow Whang
Associate Professors Jandro Abot; John A. Judge, Dean; Xiaolong Luo; Diego Turo; Joseph Vignola, Chair; Zhaoyang Wang
Assistant Professor Chuan-Fu Lin
Clinical Associate Professor Christian Bomela
Adjunct Professor George Mattingly
Adjunct Associate Professor Adam Wolfe
Adjunct Assistant Professors Francesco Corvaro, Shane Guan, Barbara Marchetti, Srinidhi Nagaraja, Bruno Victorino Sarli, Tongele N. Tongele
Lecturers Sepideh Akhbari Far, Matthew Guild, Rocco Mennella

Mission of the Department

The mission of the Department of Mechanical Engineering is to develop professional mechanical engineers with strong technical expertise rooted in a liberal arts tradition, by nurturing a high-quality learning and research environment.

Educational Objectives of the Undergraduate Program

The educational objectives of the Mechanical Engineering Program are that the graduates will:

  1. Use their technical and intellectual competence, versatility, and ethical foundations while engaged in careers or advanced studies within the traditional mechanical engineering discipline as well as other fields of interest (e.g., other engineering disciplines, law, medicine, finance).
  2. Be productive team members while solving problems of local, national, and international scope within a modern global, environmental, and ethical framework.
  3. Contribute to professional, educational, and social institutions by applying their knowledge and skill towards the advancement of technology and the betterment of society.
  4. Continue to learn and further develop and expand their knowledge and skill sets.

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering

Requirements for the program can be found at Mechanical Engineering - Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (B.M.E.)

The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers undergraduate degree programs leading to the degree Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. Mechanical engineering includes activities such as the design and control of systems and components for heating and power generation, aircraft, propulsion, and aerospace engineering, refrigeration and air conditioning, environmental protection, complex structural and mechanical systems, vibration and acoustics, micro-and-nano-devices, mechatronics, lab-on-a-chip, biofabrication, intelligent and composite materials, 3-D imaging, computers, and robotics. The undergraduate program provides a broad scientific and technical background in engineering, establishing the foundation for lifelong learning in newly emerging technologies. Computer software is continuously integrated in the design, analysis, and laboratory phases of the curriculum. Flexibility exists in the selection of upper-level technical courses to accommodate the students' interests and diverse career goals. These elective courses can prepare students for immediate careers in mechanical engineering, further studies at the graduate level in engineering, and alternative careers in such fields as law, business, or management.

Students need to complete 130 credits to graduate. The program is individualized for each student through elective courses.


In addition to the traditional Mechanical Engineering (ME) program, the Department also offers concentrations/tracks in Energy and Environment (E&E) and Aerospace Engineering (AE) through six technical electives in junior and senior years, according to the concentration of the students. Selected electives are required by the respective program/concentration. Program electives are chosen by the student from a variety of concentration elective courses for each concentration, as explained below:

Traditional Mechanical Engineering (ME) Program:

Selected Electives

ME 311 Introduction to Energy and Energy Systems 3
ME 314 Fundamentals of Mechatronics 3
ME 404 Structural Mechanics 3

Program Electives

ME Program Elective (3) – 1

ME Program Elective (3) – 2

General Technical Elective (3)

Energy and Environment (E&E) Concentration:

Selected Electives

ME 311 Introduction to Energy and Energy Systems 3
ME 427 Renewable Energy and Technology 3
ENGR 438 Introduction to Environmental Engineering 3

Program Electives

E&E Concentration Elective (3) – 1

E&E Concentration Elective (3) – 2

General Technical Elective (3)

Aerospace Engineering (AE) Concentration:

Selected Electives

ME 371 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering 3
ME 404 Structural Mechanics 3
ME 476 Aerodynamics 3

Program Electives

AE Concentration Elective (3) – 1

AE Concentration Elective (3) – 2

General Technical Elective (3)