Incomplete Grades

A student may request the provisional grade of I (incomplete) in a course when the student is unable to complete the course requirements for grave reasons (e.g., family emergency, personal illness or injury, death in family, etc.). The student must make the request by submitting a signed MSPS Incomplete Grade Request Form to the Associate Dean after the last day to withdraw from class but before the last day of the class in which the student wishes to receive the incomplete. The Dean’s office will only approve a grade of incomplete when all of the following conditions are met:

  1. The student requests a grade of incomplete from the instructor by using the MSPS Incomplete Grade Request Form, which can be obtained from the student’s advisor.
  2. The student provides specific evidence to verify that the reason for the request is legitimate.
  3. The student must be passing the course at the time of the request.
  4. The amount of work remaining in the course can be reasonably and sufficiently completed after the conclusion of the course session.
  5. Both the student and the instructor sign and submit the MSPS Incomplete Grade Request Form to the Associate Dean.
  6. The Associate Dean approves the request by signing the MSPS Incomplete Grade Request Form.

Students granted an incomplete for the fall semester must complete the outstanding work by January 15 of the following spring semester; students granted an incomplete for the spring semester must complete the outstanding work by June 15 of the following summer term; and students granted an incomplete for the summer term must complete the outstanding work by September 15 of the following fall semester. In extraordinary circumstances, the student or the instructor may request an extension of the deadline for the outstanding work to be submitted. Such a request must be approved in writing by the Associate Dean. An incomplete grade not resolved by the deadline automatically becomes a failing (F) grade. The student is responsible for completing all outstanding work and submitting it to the instructor on time.