MMGT 118 The Vocation of Business

The Vocation of Business is a course that has to be both experienced and studied. Most courses teach you how to pursue a goal, achieve an objective, accomplish a task. This course helps you figure out how to go about setting the goal, objective and task in the first place. The class helps students to discern and plan their business career and vision for their life. During the first part of course, we will focus on personal development. Then, in the second half, we will focus more on the setting of business. In the last modules of the semester, we will bring together these two elements. Over the course of this semester, we will explore what business is and how it fits into your overall life mission. We will learn how to live a happier and more integrated life. Students have a chance to put their insights of this course into practice by setting goals and writing a mission statement that reflects who they truly are and create the vision and plans for their career in business.



Cross Listed Courses

ENT 118, MMGT 118, MGT 118, MGT 218, MGT 568


Open to undergraduate students at the Tucson campus