MGT 118 The Vocation of Business

This course guides students in discerning their passion through a business lens. It is designed for both students who are not 100% sure about their major, or want to make more solid plans to pursue their passion. It is for those interested in discerning in what direction to take their life. You will learn how to find what you want out of life, what your strengths and weaknesses are, and how you can apply them to your career. What do I have to offer to the world? How do I find not just any job, but my professional vocation? How do I decide what major to choose? How do I decide on a career? How is business a force for good? How do I start a business? We will explore these and many other questions through lectures, discussions and various projects. As a part of this course, students start a marketing affiliate blog business - a simple online business that nonetheless incorporates all the key aspects of running a business: invention, creation, demand generation and running of the business.



Cross Listed Courses

ENT 118, MMGT 118, MGT 118, MGT 218, MGT 568