ENT 476 The Spirit of Entrepreneurial Capitalism

Spring Semester Only. This course looks at one of the most important issues to understand the reality of the social world: why and how entrepreneurship has been the driving force behind the rise of civilization. It is a course on the political economy of entrepreneurial capitalism. The economic history of the West can be interpreted as a history of the spirit of entrepreneurial capitalism. That history is one of: (a) public and private institutions that enabled production and trade, (b) entrepreneurs and business organizations, and (c) an ecology which includes Christianity and its culture of dignity, virtues, and excellence, as well as other mechanisms enabling reciprocity and the respect of promises made. This course analyzes the history of entrepreneurial capitalism emphasizing these three intertwined aspects.



Cross Listed Courses

ENT 476 & SRES 476


Junior or senior class standing Business students OR ENT co-specialization OR ENT minor OR seniors from any CUA program. Others allowed by instructor¿s permission.