ENT 372 Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital

Fall semester only. Interested in knowing more about the source of development and growth? Why advertising and marketing are crucial to the functioning of the marketplace? Or the role of venture capital and angel investing in the future of the US economy? This course provides the tools to understand the phenomenon of entrepreneurship in all its facets, including in the marketplace and in non-profit settings. All students including those with finance, marketing or management major will gain a strong understanding of entrepreneurship. Topics include entrepreneurship and the organization, culture, psychology, institutions, public policy, politics, strategic entrepreneurship, Catholic Social Teaching and ethics. Lecture and discussion format around assigned readings. One final presentation. No quiz. Also see Enrollment Requirements.



Cross Listed Courses

ENT 372 & MGT 372


Junior or senior class standing Business students OR ENT co-specialization OR ENT minor OR seniors from any CUA program. Others allowed by instructor¿s permission.